
This site’s purpose

This site will help you manage your personal finances on your own, while providing inspirations on how to build up wealth and assets.

Furthermore, we will portray and evaluate specific financial products.

Target group

Anyone who seeks to optimize his personal finances will find a platform for information and discussion. Especially people with a migration background, who moved to Germany for economic reasons.

Authentic Information

All products portrayed on this website – such as current accounts, credit cards and securities accounts – are actively used by our staff. You can be sure that our recommendations are based on first-hand experience and thus authentic.

Community – join us!

You are invited to join our community by commenting our posts, asking questions or helping others in the comments sections.


The maintenance of this website produces some costs (server, domain fees etc.).

In order to cover these costs, we participate in affiliate networking. Whenever a site visitor chooses a product through one of our referral links, we receive a small reward.

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